I am in His grip, in His care, in the hollow of His hand, the center of His will -- and therefore all joy is mine. He is my Sustainer, my Counselor, Guide, and Friend. I will trust in His love, His provident hand in my life that intends only to strengthen me to His purpose. I will cling to the assurance that my faithfulness is His will for me and the most important thing in my life.
"It may be that you are planted where you get little sunshine, but you are put there by the loving Gardener because only in that situation will you bring forth fruit. Had any other condition been better for you than the one in which you are, divine love would have put you there. You are placed by God in the most suitable circumstances...Be content with the things that you have, since the Lord has ordered all things for your good. Take up your own daily cross. It is the burden best suited for your shoulder and will prove most effective to make you perfect in every good work to the glory of God." ~Charles Haddon Spurgeon
"The Holy Spirit has graciously come to be your Comforter. Do you suppose, O weak and trembling believer, that He will be negligent of His sacred trust? Has He undertaken something that He cannot or will not perform? If it is His work to strengthen and to comfort you, do you suppose He has forgotten His business, or that He will fail to accomplish His loving work? Do not think so little of the tender and blessed Spirit whose name is the Comforter. He delights to give the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Trust in Him, and He will surely comfort you until the house of mourning is closed forever, and the marriage feast begins." ~Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Qualification - This post was actually created July 11, 2005. I have back-dated it so that it occurs first in my journal, as it is my "introduction" of sorts. Many of the following posts are transcriptions from my physical journal taken from a couple years ago, but I want this listed earliest.
"Purpose" is one of my favorite words in the entirety of human speech. I'm sure one of these days I'll get around to explaining why, although after reading my journal, it might become obvious without explanation.
But in this context, I'm referring to the purpose of this journal. One purpose will be for me to record excerpts from my real journal that I might want access to. Over the years, I've recorded a lot of thoughts and musings that I go back to on a regular basis to remind me of lessons I've learned. But also, I've decided to leave this a public journal in hopes that something here might be an encouragement to someone else - in fact, that might become the journal's main purpose. We'll see how things go.
I guess I should introduce myself. "Sakrysta" is an internet handle I've worn for about 8 years now. Originally sci-fi related, it's since come to mean more than that to me. The name is derived from the term "sacristy," which is the room in the church where sacred things are stored. So to me, the name means I want to store up what is sacred in my heart and life. I never cease to be amazed at how God can take parts of our lives and make them completely about bringing glory to Himself - especially those parts we had no intention of letting Him have.
I am:
"Purpose" is one of my favorite words in the entirety of human speech. I'm sure one of these days I'll get around to explaining why, although after reading my journal, it might become obvious without explanation.
But in this context, I'm referring to the purpose of this journal. One purpose will be for me to record excerpts from my real journal that I might want access to. Over the years, I've recorded a lot of thoughts and musings that I go back to on a regular basis to remind me of lessons I've learned. But also, I've decided to leave this a public journal in hopes that something here might be an encouragement to someone else - in fact, that might become the journal's main purpose. We'll see how things go.
I guess I should introduce myself. "Sakrysta" is an internet handle I've worn for about 8 years now. Originally sci-fi related, it's since come to mean more than that to me. The name is derived from the term "sacristy," which is the room in the church where sacred things are stored. So to me, the name means I want to store up what is sacred in my heart and life. I never cease to be amazed at how God can take parts of our lives and make them completely about bringing glory to Himself - especially those parts we had no intention of letting Him have.
I am:
- a born-again believer in Jesus Christ. By this, I mean that I believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal, sinless Son of God, that He came to earth and was born of a virgin, that He lived a sinless life, that He died a brutal death on a cross to pay the penalty for my sins and those of the world, that after three days of burial He was raised from the dead by the Father, that after being seen in physical form and communicating with His disciples He ascended to Heaven, and that He currently sits on the right hand of God the Father in Heaven awaiting the Father's word to return to earth for His saints. There's more to it than that, but that's as much as I can comfortably get into one sentence, and it covers the basics.
- an independent Baptist. By this, I mean that I hold to the vast majority of traditional Baptist doctrines, and that I am a member of a Baptist church that is not affiliated with any of the major denominational groups (Southern Baptist, Regular Baptist, etc.).
- a conservative fundamentalist. Boy, will this distinction get you stoned today. ;) By this, I mean that I consider the Bible the final authority and the ultimate source of all truth, and that the truths clearly taught in Scripture are not up for debate with the world.
- anti-KJV-Only. If you've made it this far and are still with me, you probably know what that means, but just in case... By this, I mean that I do NOT believe that the King James Version of the Bible is the only reliable translation available today. I understand why many prefer to use the KJV, and in some circumstances I myself prefer that version. But all the Scripture we have today is the result of translations of copies, and a translation should be judged on its faithfulness to the manuscripts and knowledge we have available to us today. Personally, I use several different versions in my Bible study and must depend on the expertise of others to tell me what the original Hebrew & Greek words mean.
- female. By this, I mean to say that I don't intend to preach here. I believe wholeheartedly that the roles for men and women set forth in the New Testament apply today, and I am grateful beyond words to be more on the "support" end and less on the "responsibility" end.
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