God's will for suffering

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
My cousin has been in the hospital and is having a rough time. She has Trisomy 13, which is hugely handicapping. She is seven years old and is blind, cannot walk, talk, or do anything for herself. Now she is suffering from pneumonia and vomiting uncontrolably. While it seems heartless, I do wish God would take her home - for her sake and the family's. She'd be in heaven, well, whole, and in His presence. The family would trade the joy of her presence and the burden of her care for the sorrow her absence would bring and the relief of knowing her suffering had been transformed into joy. But the Lord knows best, and I have to pray for His will, even in this. He'll take her when His purposes for her here are done. Meanwhile we hold fast to our confidence in His goodness and mercy to her - and to all of us.

Intimacy and obedience

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him." ~ John 14:23

"Many Christians seem to think that the secret to intimacy with God is to constantly seek out emotionally charged encounters with God's presence. They believe that such encounters, if repeated often enough, can draw them into a place of consistent communion with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

"Nothing could be farther from the truth. The manifestation of God's presence is wonderful, and when He reveals His presence to you, do not hesitate to embrace the experience. But He does not reveal Himself for no reason. Do not confuse these experiences with true intimacy. Intimacy with God comes only one way, and that is through obedience.

"Do you want to know God as He truly is? Then obey the Word. Obey the Word in the morning when you feel grumpy. Obey the Word at noon when you are hungry, and in the evening when you are tired. Commit yourself to obey Him regardless of how you feel, what you think, or what you want. When you do this, you will discover that you will not have to go searching for God's presence anymore. The Father will seek you out and reveal His love to you. God reveals His presence to anyone He chooses. But He only makes His home with those who obey Him."

~ Michael Warden, Alone with God

Lord, I still don't want to be on this trip. I want to be home and cozy in bed, with a week ahead of me to use to work and get caught up and not constantly feel as though I'm chasing time.

But I can see that even here You have so much to teach me. Lord, humble me and curb my tongue!


Saturday, July 16, 2005
At the Sunday school fellowship last night, Pastor told me how his daughter had shared with him how much she was enjoying the Bible study and how it was exactly what she needed. I am honestly humbled and overwhelmed by the response it has gotten. Praise the Lord! I'm so grateful for His work in my life that supplied the burden and enabled me to be submissive to His purpose in it. And I'm grateful too for Pastor's thoughtfulness in passing on the encouragement to me.


Monday, July 11, 2005
I am such a fallen, wretched creature. I constantly fail to turn to my Father for the strength to be faithful and to overcome temptation. Sometimes I think I fall just to remind myself what I am before God Almighty. Lord, forgive my laziness, my lack of discipline and diligence, my self-absorption that destroys any hint of humility You intend to teach me. Cleanse me of the wickedness that so easily takes root in my heart. I long to please You with my life and actions! I want to be faithful, to be a picture of Your mercy and grace to those around me. I desire to be used, and usable! How can You use someone so weak and sinful as I? I fail You so often, though I hate it! How I wish I could banish evil desires from my heart! Oh my Lord, once again I fall at Your feet, beast that I am, and beg You to make me worthy of the grace, mercy, and love You continually bestow. I am surrounded by evidence of Your infinite love for me in spite of myself. How amazing that You could care for me. Cause me to lose myself in You. Oh Lord, make me nothing, empty of self and completely filled with You.

A day

Sunday, July 10, 2005
Today was ... a day. I'm not quite sure how to characterize it. Choir practice was ... okay. Once in a while I go through a phase where I just don't feel like singing, especially alto. At least the problem I was dealing with a few weeks ago seems to have subsided. The evening service was great, of course, but afterwards we practiced the ladies' ensemble, and my heart just wasn't in it. My joy in singing seems to have just drained out of me for now. Ironically, I seem to be obsessively playing the piano. Every time I have a chance I sit down and bang around for a while.

I can hear the rain falling outside the window and the distant sounds of wet traffic. The house is quiet, and I have drawn up inside myself nursing self-centered hurts and desires. Even surrounded by all the evidence of my Savior's loving care, I still want what I don't have. I am so very blessed. Why am I sad?

New place

Friday, July 08, 2005
Why is it so hard to do the things I should do? One, no doubt my sin nature. Two, focusing on pleasing myself instead of pleasing my Savior. Those two points do a lot to cover it, I think. I need to learn to rely on the Lord for the will to do what pleases Him. It is my love for Christ that should inform my behavior and motivate me to diligence and faithfulness.

I am really finding myself in a new place over the past several months. I've been such a solitary person so far in my life. Until recently, that is. People have begun to actually talk to me, real conversations about life and issues and burdens and blessings. I honestly don't know what to do with it all or why it has seemed to come out of the blue. Has it been my determination to reach out more and be a blessing and encouragement that has borne fruit in others, or made me appear to be someone in whom they can confide? Is the Lord responding to my hunger for Him by drawing me closer to His children? It's all so complex and confounding, and sometimes I wonder if I don't make it more so with my constant mulling and musing over it. Faith as a little child, but grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ. How do they mesh? How do they blend? I want to learn, to know, to grow! How do I reconcile striving forward with the joyful abandon and simplicity of childlike faith?

Praise and humility

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Last Sunday I played the piano for offertory, a hymn that I had arranged myself. Nothing fancy or profound, but something I did put a lot of my heart into. Now I don't know how I feel about it. I'm grateful and humbled at the number of people who've complimented it. But I'm frustrated at how few times I was able to respond by giving God the glory. It's so much easier to say "thank you," a little harder to say "I'm glad you enjoyed it." It seems nigh impossible to say "praise the Lord"! Why? Part of it comes back to pride -- wanting the praise for myself, yes, but also worrying that people will think the response is trite or affected. Lord, teach me to praise and glorify You in humility, in such a way that puts the attention off myself and on You. Still, I am glad I was able ... no, enabled ... to do an offertory that was a blessing to so many. Being used, even in such a small way, is a joy and blessing I cannot fully express. I just wish my horrid pride would stay out of it! I need to learn to be open and honest and to leave how that open honesty is perceived by others in the Lord's hands. Lord, keep my motivations for service completely about loving You, wanting to be obedient and faithful, loving my church family, and wanting to be used by You to be an encouragement and a blessing to them. Let others see Christ in me.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005
It feels like so long since I've had the time to make a journal entry, even though it's only been a few days. I'm feeling rather disconnected and disjointed; once again my devotions have been suffering. The Lord is going to have to do a work in tonight's Bible study, because I feel woefully unprepared. I need to get a jump on it this week before last-minute scrambling becomes a habit. Lord, I need You to take hold of me and drag me back into Your will and purpose. I need to remember to be diligent and faithful, and to depend wholly on You for the strength to do so.


Now it is evening, and Bible study is over. The Lord is SO gracious. In spite of my shorter prep, He was pleased to give us a real time of fellowship, learning, and encouragement. I bow in humble amazement at His goodness to me. I am exhausted, and yet so hungry for some quality prayer and study time. I have been so neglectful of my Savior lately. I simply must push other things aside and make Him a time priority once more. Lord, break me. Place me at Your feet where I belong. Please give me a hunger for Your Word and Your wisdom that supercedes all other concerns or interests.